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    Skincare Glossary

    There's JOY in knowledge. Consider this your definitive guide to all things skincare and wellness.


    An acid within a skincare formula is a topical ingredient that has a pH level of below 7. There are many different acids used in skincare such as alpha hydroxy...

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    Active Ingredient

    An active ingredient is an element within a skincare formulation that is proven to benefit your skin in a specific way. Actives are incorporated to deliver meaningful results, and to...

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    Alkaline skincare is a formula that has a pH level of above 7. As our skin is naturally acidic (with a pH level of about 5.5), in general, skincare products...

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    Antioxidants are naturally-occurring ingredients that protect against free radical-generating environmental aggressors (such as UV rays and pollution). An excess of free radicals in the skin can lead to inflammation and...

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